Automobil August 2022

In this issue of Automobil we sit down with Richard Sinclair and visit the Motor Mech show in East London. In celebration of Women’s month we get to know five ladies who keep the wheels turning at the RMI, as well as successful panel beater Winny Vilankulu. The monthly labour column dissects the CCMA’s recent ruling regarding mandatory vaccinations in the work place and we mourn the passing of industry stalwarts Wynter Murdoch and Andy Roth.

August 2022

the deepest business reAch into the sA retAil motor industry



03 . Driver’s Seat: Jakkie Olivier, CEO of the RMI

03 . Editor’s Letter: Reuben van Niekerk

32 . Tech Talk: Do fuel saving devices work?

34 . Wellbeing: Conversations lead to quality relationships


05 . News

11 . Industry News

18 . Product News

20 . RMI News

24 . Association News


22 . Behind the scenes: Manning the RMI’s front line

26 . Compliance: Optimising ergonomics

28 . Interview: Richard Sinclair

30 . Interview: Linda Jackson

36 . Labour: CCMA makes a U-turn on mandatory vaccinations

37 . Legal: What is reasonable under contractual relationships


38 . New models: Subaru WRX and Volkswagen Amarok

40 . Motorsport: BMW M returns to Le Mans

41 . Member Update

42 . Sales: June 2022 vehicle sales figures


Reuben van Niekerk


Suzanne Walker

Regular contributors

Roger Houghton

Nicol Louw


Wilken Communication Management

Tel: 012-4604448

Advertising Sales

Greg Surgeon

Automobil is produced monthly by Wilken

Communication Management for the Retail

Motor Industry Organisation. The views and

opinions expressed in the publication are not

necessarily those of the publishers or the Retail

Motor Industry Organisation. While precau-

tions have been taken to ensure the accuracy

of advice and information contained in edito-

rial or advertisements, neither the publishers

nor the Retail Motor Industry Organisation can

accept responsibility for errors, misrepresenta-

tions or omissions, or for any effect or conse-

quence arising therefrom. Permission to repub-

lish any article or image or part thereof must be

obtained in writing from the publishers.




August 2022

August 2022

driver’s seAt

For information on the RMI and its workings, visit or call 011 886 6300

editor’s letter

his month I would like to touch on a problem regarding

fraudulent certification that we are becoming aware


June and July are traditionally busy months because many

new tender requests for motor vehicle maintenance, repairs,

products and services are being issued by tender providers.

One of the prerequisites for a number of these tenders is proof

of RMI membership and accreditation. Fortunately, many

of these tender providers have the foresight to contact

the RMI or one of our associations to confirm the va-

lidity of the membership certification and to verify

the authenticity of the information submitted.

The fact that many businesses have includ-

ed this prerequisite in their tender request is

definitely a huge benefit and complement

to our organisation’s work. However, it is

concerning when we discover that fake RMI

membership certificates are being used when

submitting tender applications. It is our responsibility to ensure our

member database is fully up to date in order for us to verify the

membership authenticity and whether the automotive business in

question is in good standing. As the economy tightens up even fur-

ther, we could in all likelihood expect to see more of this fraudulent

activity happening.

We believe the most effective way to manage and neutralise

the problem is by implementing a proactive educational campaign

aimed at our members, fleet operators and consumers alike to high-

light the issue and the need to proceed with caution.

We appreciate that the maintenance of the membership data-

base is constantly evolving to accommodate the ongoing churn of

new and lapsed members. Please be advised of the issue and do

everything possible to ensure we can effectively manage this latest


Jakkie olivier

RMI Chief Executive Officer

Beware of fraudulent certification

elcome to this edition of Automobil. In celebra-

tion of women’s month we take you behind the

scenes to meet five ladies who are the face of

the RMI around the country and get to know panel beater

Winny Vilankulu who is breaking down barriers in the motor

body repair sector. I also had an opportunity to sit down with

global Peugeot CEO Linda Jackson, during her recent visit to

South Africa, to find out what plans she has for this iconic

automotive brand.

We bring you the latest news from all the associations and

this months focus falls on ergonomics and the importance

thereof, while Nicol Louw debunks a few myths surrounding

fuel saving devices, which are being marketed rather aggres-

sively these days.

On a sombre note, this month we mourned the passing of

two industry stalwarts namely Andy Roth and Wynter Mur-

doch. Wynter was editor of Automobil for a number of years

and played a big role in giving it the flavour that it has today.

I was privileged to have worked alongside Wynter on this title

and a variety of other projects and am grateful for what he

taught me and allowed me to learn from him. His passing came

as a great shock and he will be greatly missed by the automo-

tive industry.

I trust that you will enjoy this issue of Automobil and as al-

ways be welcome your feedback 

reuben van niekerk

Celebrating women’s month

take the Automobil reader

survey here

view the June sales figures here

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